Friday, May 23, 2008

Baby Swartzbaugh: Take 2

Today was our second ultrasound. Scott was able to be there this time. He said afterward when we heard the heartbeat that it wasn't as cool anymore once he'd seen the ultrasound. Baby was active kicking their feet and flailing their arms. The heartbeat was 145 durning the ultrasound and 153 during the next appointment when we listened to the heartbeat with the doppler. So anyway, we are a day away from 13 weeks and everything is A OK.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

First Post

So I thought I would start a blog. My husband and I have been married for a year and a half. We have a dog, Buddha, and two cats, Ninja & Scaredy. Scott just started in a CADD program this January so he is working full-time and going to school for 5 hrs Mon - Thurs each week. I own a Tupperware business so I have the luxury of working from home. I also attend college part-time. So I guess that is the rundown. More to come.